RHOS Rotary, Llandudno Town Band and U3A choir members joined forces on a blustery afternoon to raise money for charity.

The event was held in Rhos-on-Sea. Money was raised for North Wales hospice Tŷ Gobaith.

Geoff Price, of Rhos Rotary, said: "The carol singing took place on Saturday outside Options in Rhos. We moved from Combermere Gardens because of the weather.

"About 20 of us gathered there and enjoyed the singing despite the weather.

North Wales Pioneer: President Gavin Davies of Rhos-on-Sea Rotary and several members visited Ty Gobaith Children's Hospice to present a cheque for £2,300, the proceeds of their fashion show.President Gavin Davies of Rhos-on-Sea Rotary and several members visited Ty Gobaith Children's Hospice to present a cheque for £2,300, the proceeds of their fashion show. (Image: Geoff Price / Submitted)
"Lots of people listened and some joined in."

A group from the Rotary visited the hospice in the Conwy Valley on Monday (December 11) to present a cheque for £2,300 from their fashion show in November plus the carol singing money [about £200].

Gavin Davies, Rotary president, said: "We are delighted to support such a worthwhile cause."