NORTH Wales residents remarked on seeing the "strangest sky ever" as it turned yellow on Wednesday night.

As the region was hit by severe thunderstorms, people were left wondering why the sky had turned such a strange colour - with many taking to social media to discuss it.

North Wales Pioneer: A yellow sky over Hawarden on Wednesday evening. (Credit - Beccy Hutchinson)A yellow sky over Hawarden on Wednesday evening. (Credit - Beccy Hutchinson)

The National Severe Storms Lab says the colouring of the sky is caused by the same process that creates vivid colours seen during sunsets.

As most thunderstorms start in the early evening, like Wednesday's, the sun is already beginning to set.

This means that there are shorter wavelengths of blue light and they are scattered quicker due to the rumbling thunder.

During this process, only the yellow, orange and red ends of the spectrum are left to colour the sky.

Weather warnings for thunderstorms remain in place across North Wales for the next five days.