Theatr Colwyn hosts a free screening of a 2018 British drama entitled Ray & Liz on Wednesday October 26.

The certificate 15 film stars Sam Gittins, James Eeles, Tony Way, Ella SMith, Justin Salinger and Richard Ashton and is written and directed by renowned photographer Richard Billingham.

The intricate family portrait is inspired by the Billingham’s own memories of growing up in the West Midlands in the late 70s and early 80s, and then his father and mother in the 1990s.

Billingham revisits the figures of his earlier photographs, his alcoholic father Ray, and its impact on Richard and his younger brother Jason.

Billingham, a photographer, previously published the book Ray’s a Laugh (1996), with photographs of his family at the time depicted in the film.

Richard Billingham will be joining taking part in a Q&A after the film screening.

Tickets for the screening and director Q&A are free, but, if you are able to, consider donating one or more items from the list below to Colwyn Bay’s foodbank.

Please ensure all donations have a good use by date.

Donate Tinned Meat Pies; Tinned Chicken in Sauce; Tinned Meat Balls; Tinned Stewed Steak; Tinned Chilli; Tinned Ravioli

Tinned Curry; Tinned Beans; Tinned Beans & Sausage; Tinned Vegetables; Tinned Potatoes; Tinned Soup; Tins of Fruit

Tinned Puddings; Packets of Mash; Pasta Rice; Breakfast Cereal; Tea / Coffee; Sugar; Jam / Marmalade; Crisps; Biscuits / Treats; Toilet Roll And Toiletries, Nappies And Baby Food.

Ray & Liz (Cert 15) is at Theatr Colwyn on Wednesday Oct 26 at 7pm.

For tickets visit