THE Conservative MPs for Clwyd West and Vale of Clwyd, David Jones and James Davies respectively, have welcomed Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Budget, announced yesterday (March 15).

Among the measures announced were:

• A £25billion three-year tax cut for business investment.

• Extending the Energy Price Guarantee at £2,500 for three months.

• A freeze on fuel duty for another year.

• Ending the premium paid by more than four million households using prepayment electricity meters.

Mr Jones said: “Families across North Wales will welcome the additional support the Chancellor has given them at a difficult time.

“Continuing the fuel duty freeze will make life easier for the many North Walians who rely on their cars to get around.

“The continuation of the Energy Price Guarantee will also be appreciated by local householders.

“There are also some exciting opportunities for the North Wales economy. The £20bn fund for carbon capture and storage will bring direct benefit to North Wales.

“And the competition to build small modular reactors should be pursued enthusiastically in the region, where there is a long tradition of nuclear expertise.

“Welsh Government must also play its part in ensuring North Wales sees the full benefit of the Budget.

“The WG has received Barnett consequentials for England-only measures, including the funding of 30 hours of childcare a week for working parents of children aged nine months to four years.

“They must ensure that identical benefits apply to Welsh parents.

“Equally, Welsh Government must work with the Westminster Government to ensure that at least one Investment Zone is created in North Wales.

“In summary, this is a good Budget for North Wales, which will be widely welcomed.”

Dr Davies, meanwhile, believes the Budget will deliver unprecedented support to the people of the Vale of Clwyd, and boost economic growth.

The Chancellor also launched Great British Nuclear (GBN) to ensure nuclear power can provide 25 per cent of electricity by 2050, as part of plans for a "clean energy reset".

This means energy security and net zero production.

Welsh Government will also receive £20million of funding to upgrade the Grade II listed Holyhead Breakwater, safeguarding the hundreds of jobs which the port supports in North Wales.

Pension changes will also see the removal of the disincentive for clinicians to retire from the NHS before they would otherwise wish to.

Dr Davies was also pleased to hear that funding is to be provided through the UK Community Ownership Fund to help ensure that the Salusbury Arms in Tremeirchion can be acquired and maintained for the benefit of the community.

He said: “I warmly welcome today’s budget and the support it offers to halve inflation, grow the economy and deliver better-paid jobs and opportunities across Britain, including in the Vale of Clwyd.

“The expansion of free childcare will help parents get back to work, remove financial stress, and boost economic growth.

“I strongly urge Welsh Government to match this commitment by HM Government with the equivalent funding they have today received through Barnett consequentials.

“It is good news that struggling households will receive much needed continued support and certainty with their energy bills.

“The extension of the Energy Price Guarantee will ease the pressure on those struggling with bills and deliver greater certainty for struggling households.

“The changes for Prepayment meter (PPM) customers will end the unfair practice of being charged a ‘PPM penalty’ compared to direct debit customers.

“Today’s budget has delivered good news for the North Wales economy. The Budget’s investment in CCUS, the Holyhead Breakwater and the launch of GBN will deliver increased economic prosperity and job opportunities in the Vale of Clwyd, and across North Wales.

"With a potential new nuclear sites at Wylfa and Trawsfynydd, HyNet being chosen as a track 1 CCUS cluster and works on Holyhead Breakwater, there are welcome job and economic opportunities created for our region in today’s budget.”

Janet Finch-Saunders, Aberconwy MS, added: “Through this budget, the UK Government is delivering for Wales. 

"It is helping those struggling with the cost of energy, investing in our businesses and projects that can boost economic growth, and encouraging people stay in work.

“Now it is the turn of the Labour Government in Wales to fully use the additional funding it is receiving to support the people of Wales.

“The Welsh Labour Minister for Finance should bring an urgent oral statement before the Welsh Parliament outlining how she intends to spend the additional £180million.