A MAN who was caught drug driving with a provisional licence and no insurance has been fined and banned.

Harley Stafford, of the A470 in Dolwyddelan, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 32-year-old admitted that on May 11 he drove a BMW motor vehicle on the A55 at Lloc, Flintshire, when the proportion of a controlled drug in his blood exceeded the specified limit.

North Wales Pioneer:

He also admitted that on that occasion, he drove otherwise than in accordance with a licence and without insurance.

Rebecca Kuipers, prosecuting, told the court that at around 8.30pm on the day of the offence, police spotted Stafford exceeding the speed limit on the A55 and pulled him over.

Checks revealed he only had a provisional licence.

He was not accompanied and had no 'L' plates on the vehicle.

And a roadside swipe gave a positive reading for cannabis - following which he provided a sample which showed he had not less than 8.5 microgrammes of the substance in a litre of blood. The limit is 2.

Emma Simoes, defending, said her client moved to Dolwyddelan from Telford to support his wife in her career progression.

But he had found the move "difficult," she said - and had used cannabis to get him through a "low ebb."

Ms Simoes said: "He accepts he was over the limit when driving, which he shouldn't have been doing anyway.

"He was hoping to start resuming lessons.

"Mr Stafford is a man of previous good character.

"[The loss of his licence] is going to cause considerable pressure on his wife.

"He has learned his lesson and will be significantly disadvantaged."

Stafford was fined £240 for drug driving and £100 for having no insurance, with no separate penalty for the licence offence.

He must pay a victim surcharge of £96 and costs of £85.

A driving ban of 14 months was imposed.