A MAN has been detained under the mental health act after he claimed to be 'in the CIA' and kidnapped his partner.

Jonathan Meldrum, of Pump Lane in Axton, Holywell, appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court on Friday morning for sentence.

At a previous hearing, the 40-year-old had admitted offences of kidnap, driving whilst disqualified and without insurance.

The victim in the case was Laura Blundell, who had been in a relationship with Meldrum for some six years.

John Philpotts, prosecuting, told the court that in weeks leading up to the offences, the couple had been living with the defendant's mother.

But Ms Blundell left the property as she became concerned about Meldrum's "erratic behaviour."

On May 6, she was persuaded to meet him at the home as she believed he wanted to discuss the situation "in a rational way."

But when she got in his car, he would not let her out - despite her protestations.

She did managed to disembark at one point but Meldrum chased her and dragged her back, before pushing her into the vehicle.

Throughout the incident, the defendant shouted at her. He accused her of "plotting" against him and claimed he was "part of the CIA."

Meldrum drove away again with Ms Blundell in the car. During the journey, he threatened her life and his own, telling her she would "not leave his car alive."

As he drove erratically, Ms Blundell managed to get a short message to someone by phone, following which concerns were raised and police were called.

The vehicle was spotted in Abergele and stopped without incident within the curtilage of the Kinmel Manor Hotel.

Police tested the defendant for alcohol - the test for which was negative - but a drugs test showed he had taken cannabis at some stage prior.

As an indication of his erratic behaviour, Mr Philpotts said, Meldrum claimed to Ms Blundell that the police were in fact there "for his protection."

The court heard Ms Blundell had written a letter in support of Meldrum prior to the sentencing hearing - something Recorder Wyn Lloyd-Jones recognised must have been "very difficult" to do.

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Owen Edwards, defending, told the court his client is currently at Ty Llewellyn, a secure hospital.

He explained: "All are hopeful and confident that the treatment he is currently receiving will lead to an improvement in his state, but also the hope that there will be no repetition.

"The basis of of his plea is accepted in this case and it makes it obvious - the mental health background was the cause of his offending.

"Your Honour sees the battle of the qualities he brings to life - his enthusiasm, his skills as a businessman and sportsman - and the demons he has had; substance abuse.

"He is recognising the issues he has to grapple with and is in a very different place to when we first went to see him in HMP Berwyn."

Mr Edwards said when the defendant was initially seen in prison, it was very clear that "psychiatric services would be required."

The Judge told Meldrum: "I am satisfied from everything I have read that you are suffering from a mental disorder described as bipolar 1 disorder and that this disorder is of a nature which makes it necessary for you to be detained in hospital for medical treatment."

As such, the Judge made an order to that effect under section 37 of the Mental Health Act 1983 - stating Meldrum would be readmitted to and detained at Ty Llewellyn, where he has been an inpatient since mid-August.

The defendant received a three year driving ban for the motoring matters.