MEMBERS of a drugs gang who brought class A and B drugs onto the streets of North Wales and Shropshire have been put behind bars.

A total of 12 defendants were to be sentenced a Mold Crown Court on Friday for their involvement in a drugs conspiracy spanning multiple counties in England and Wales.

They were:

  • Rebecca Brockhurst, of Chaucer Road in Oswestry
  • Stephen Chadwick, of New Fort Way in Bootle, Sefton
  • Robert Evans, of John Street in Llangollen
  • Marcus Finchett, of Fairview in Rhostyllen, Wrexham
  • Joshua Ford, of Bourne Terrace, Woodland Grove, Froncysyllte
  • Lee Hopgood, of Sweeney Drive in Morda
  • Adrian Julienne, of no fixed abode
  • David Oliver, of Jesse Hartley Way in Liverpool
  • Graham Thomas, of College Road in Oswestry
  • Charlotte Edwards, of Coed Afon in Llangollen
  • Tyrone Hughes, of Rhosymedre in Wrexham
  • Paul Taylor, of HMP Liverpool in Hornby Road, Liverpool

However, three of them - Hopgood, Oliver and Chadwick - had their sentence adjourned to a date to be fixed.

John Philpotts, prosecuting, told the court the bulk of the case involved a conspiracy to supply class A and B drugs into North Wales in 2022 and 2023 - including cannabis into HMP Berwyn - and the Oswestry area.

The offences displayed "some hallmarks of a county lines operation, with the drugs being supplied by way of a graft phone (the 'AJ line') controlled by the gang's 25-year-old leader Adrian Julienne.

North Wales Pioneer: Adrian Julienne (All custody images: North Wales Police)Adrian Julienne (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: North Wales Police)When he was incarcerated at HMP Berwyn in October last year, the line was taken over by his partner Charlotte Edwards, 31.

Paul Taylor, aged 41 and of HMP Liverpool in Hornby Road, Liverpool, was described as a courier for the operation - as was 32-year-old Rebecca Brockhurst.

Graham Daniel Thomas, 38, acted as a driver and Robert Evans, 48, performed the role of 'cook' - converting cocaine into crack.

Marcus Finchett, 29, assisted in arranging transport of cocaine from Merseyside to other conspirators in order to supply the 'AJ line.'

North Wales Pioneer: Charlotte Edwards (All custody images: North Wales Police)Charlotte Edwards (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: North Wales Police)And 26-year-old Joshua Ford was a dealer and 'lieutenant' working for Julienne.

As well as the class A and B drugs, a separate conspiracy arose - to commit GBH - involving the defendants Julienne, Ford, Edwards and Tyrone Hughes (who was the only one of the 12 not to have been convicted for involvement in the drugs conspiracy).

Hughes, 26, was also to be sentenced for a linked case - involving his aggravated taking of a vehicle from outside a wine bar in Llangollen in November last year.

The owner of that vehicle clung onto it as Hughes drove it away, and was dragged 20 metres, fearing for his life.

North Wales Pioneer: Graham Thomas (All custody images: North Wales Police)Graham Thomas (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: North Wales Police)And Julienne was also to be sentenced for a separate drug supply case which had preceded the conspiracy matters.

Simon Mintz, defending Julienne, said his client's role in the drugs operation had become abundantly clear when he "repeatedly and vocally" stated it in conversations with others over his approved phone within HMP Berwyn.
The conversations were recorded and used in evidence against him.

As for the conspiracy to commit GBH, the court heard a man had disrespected Charlotte Edwards, leading Julienne and others to plan to seriously injure him.

North Wales Pioneer: Joshua Ford (All custody images: North Wales Police)Joshua Ford (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: NWP)Fortunately, Mr Mintz said, the plan 'fizzled out' and nothing came of it.
For all of his offences, Julienne was jailed for a total of 12 years and four months.

Simon Rogers, defending Finchett, said his client - described in references as respectful, caring and hard working - had performed an operational function in a chain.

He'd shown "genuine regret and shame" for his part in the operation and has spent his time on remand "in a constrictive way."

Finchett received a total custodial term of eight years.

North Wales Pioneer: Marcus Finchett (All custody images: North Wales Police)Marcus Finchett (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: NWP)Myles Wilson, defending Ford, told the court his client was below others in the structure of the gang and was a "prime candidate" to step in and help when Julienne was jailed give he'd not long been released from jail himself after a 34 month sentence for drug supply.

He said the defendant had "fallen back into drug use himself" and wasn't participating to fund "a lavish lifestyle."

Ford was jailed for six years and four months.

North Wales Pioneer: Paul Taylor (All custody images: North Wales Police)Paul Taylor (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: NWP)Mark Connor, defending Evans, said his clients extensive criminal record consisted mainly of shoplifting - which he said was "clearly a symptom of his addiction to drugs."

He conceded his involvement in the conspiracy represented a "significant escalation in the seriousness of his offending."

Evans received a total custodial term of four-and-a-half years.

North Wales Pioneer: Rebecca Brockhurst (All custody images: North Wales Police)Rebecca Brockhurst (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: NWP)Robin Boag, defending Graham Thomas, said his client had made admissions as early as his police interview.

He'd accepted giving lifts to co-defendant Hopgood in connection with the conspiracy and doesn't have any relevant previous convictions.

Mr Boag said the father-of-four wants to put the offending behind him.

Thomas was jailed for a total of four years.

North Wales Pioneer: Robert Evans (All custody images: North Wales Police)Robert Evans (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: NWP)Duncan Bould, defending Tyrone Hughes, told the court his client's involvement in the offending had been "very short-lived indeed."

He said the aggravated vehicle-taking had appeared to be "a completely opportunist offence" and conceded his criminal record "doesn't do him any credit."

Hughes received a total jail term of two years and a two year driving ban (with an additional 12 months to cover his time in custody).

North Wales Pioneer: Tyrone Hughes (All custody images: North Wales Police)Tyrone Hughes (All custody images: North Wales Police) (Image: NWP)

Andrew Green, defending Charlotte Edwards, told the court his client had received a number of positive references - among them being one from town mayor and Denbighshire County Councillor for Llangollen, Paul Keddie.

Cllr Keddie described her as a "compassionate young woman and a natural leader in charitable endeavours."

Mr Green said Edwards' behaviour had been totally out of character, adding: "Her involvement is a lesson in how damaging drugs can be."

Edwards received a total custodial sentence of seven years and eight months.
Peter Barnett, defending Paul Taylor, said his client's employment involved large vehicle operation in quarries in the Leicestershire area.

North Wales Pioneer:

He'd involved himself in the conspiracy to "make money" as he financially supports two previous partners with children and went onto a third relationship supporting another family - which he found "very difficult to cope" with.

Taylor received a jail term of six years and five months.

Finally John Weate, defending Brockhurst, said She is in the full knowledge that she put herself in this position and how it has effected her and her family - as well as her young son.

"She was struggling financially as a single parent and perhaps very naively got involved in the conspiracy."

Brockhurst was jailed for a total of five years and four months.

Judge Simon Mills concluded the hearing by recognising the hard work and dedication of the police officers who brought the defendants to justice, adding: "They have the thanks of the court and the community for the work they have done, which has exposed serious drug trade in parts of North Wales and beyond."