THE TEAM representing Wales in this year's Crufts competition is preparing for their biggest year yet.

Barbara Cowling from Padeswood is part of this year's team representing Wales at the Crufts Awards 2024 with her Collie Cross called Ted.

There will be eight dogs and their handlers, four from North Wales and four from the south, competing against seven other teams across the UK selected through a try-out day in Llandrindod Wells in November 2023.

North Wales Pioneer: Barbara and TedBarbara and Ted (Image: Barbara Cowling)

Also in the team from North Wales is Liz Evans working with a Collie called Morgan, Vikki Curtis working with a Collie called Gino and Sophie Griffin working with a German Shepperd called Aries.

The team from North Wales meet regularly to perfect their skills and training ahead of the fierce competition, as well as attending obedience shows.

Barbara said: "It's difficult especially having breed restrictions in place where you can only have three Collies in a team.

"I have represented Wales many times previously with different dogs and this will be Ted's second appearance at Crufts having been there last year."

While Liz and her dog Morgan have also previously attended, Vikki and Sophie will be making their debut for Wales in this year's competition. 

Barbara continues: "We are competing in the inter regional obedience category and compete against seven other teams.

"What we hope to achieve is that all dogs and handlers do their best and for Wales to win the competition."

Crufts is the leading dog competition in the UK taking place this year from March 7-10 in Birmingham's NEC.

Tickets are available to buy on the Crufts website .