A SPRING holistic fayre like no other is coming to Venue Cymru this Sunday.

Sammy Davies will host the Moonlight Magic - a "day of connection" at the event space on May 12 between 10am and 5pm. This will include up to 60-stalls plus talks and demonstrations. Attendees can explore holistic therapies, psychic mediums, Tarot, crafts, jewellery, crystals, Witchy Wares and herbs.

Sammy, the event facilitator and organiser of Moonlight Magic Events, said: "It [Moonlight Magic Events] is my baby and my dream is made possible thanks to my beautiful stallholders.

"Moonlight Magic was born from wanting bring something positive and happy to the community but also give something to Happy Faces Children's Charity. We worked for years before covid and built a beautiful community but then the pandemic struck and all came to a halt. Now we are back to bring awareness of wellbeing, holistic therapies and alternatives by offering a day full of talks and demonstrations."

Sammy is passionate about working with people and bringing people together.

North Wales Pioneer: Talks and Demonstrations at Moonlight Magic on Sunday, May 12Talks and Demonstrations at Moonlight Magic on Sunday, May 12 (Image: Sammy Davies)
"I have known a deep sense of wanting to help people through their pain," Sammy said.

"To guide people through their healing process by exploring many different healing modalities through all my previous vocations as a homeless drug and alcohol support worker, probation officer, youth worker, well-being worker in schools and now holistic business owner, mental health specialist mentor and integrative counsellor."

Sammy, of Conwy, said it was through her own story, past and trauma that Moonlight Magic Events was born.

"Through my pain came the strength within my core to be able to help individuals bridge the gap holistically and connect both mind body and soul," she said.

"I have reached the realisation that the ever-changing world we live in is indisputable and, as opposed to dwelling on unfortunate events, the focus must be placed on recovery, well-being and support."

Entry on Sunday is £1. Under 16s free. Refreshments will be available.  

The next event [after the May 12 event] will take place on August 18.

Sammy said: "We plan on growing bigger by bringing a focus on health and wellbeing through holistic modalities and offering family-based activities for all to get involved in."