Why go jetting off to the Caribbean or Australia to go shark-spotting? New research claims Llandudno is one of the UK's hot-spots for sightings of marine predators.

Angel Bay in Llandudno is the best place in Wales - and the second-best place in the UK - for spotting sharks, seals and even killer whales (orcas) according to data from travel expert Planet Cruise.

Using data from travellers searching for up-close experiences with the ocean's most awe-inspiring species, it found that Angel Bay was the top Welsh destination, ahead of Skomer Island and Cardigan Bay.

While seals are the most common residents of the bay, blue sharks are the most popular creatures people go looking for, with just over 2,800 people scouring the web for tips on where to spot them around Llandudno.

Astonishingly more than 1,200 people spend time online hunting for places to catch a rare orca sighting in the area. That's almost half as many as San Juan Islands in Washington State, USA where they are daily summer visitors.  

The data also revealed the best times to spot marine wildlife, with those extremely rare orca sightings most likely between October and January. 

Danny Groves from the charity Whale and Dolphin Conservation, warned that people should take care when exploring the UK coastline for exciting sightings.

He has shared some top tips on how to respectfully observe marine wildlife around the UK.

“As more people are visiting the coast and enjoying taking to the water, the potential of harm to whales and dolphins is growing, especially at peak holiday times," he said. 

"People should be aware that it is illegal to disturb whales and dolphins in the UK and some other countries and could result in a hefty fine.” 

Danny's dos and don'ts for shark and whale watching are:


• Keep your distance. Avoid getting too close, especially if calves are present.

• Approach carefully from behind and to the side, make sure you are aware of best practice.

• Three is a crowd – there should never be more than two boats within the 300 metre ‘caution zone’

• Don’t overstay your welcome – 15 minutes is enough.

• Avoid repeated disturbance. Consider staying away if the wildlife has already spent a prolonged period with vessels nearby.


• Make sudden changes to speed and direction.

• Approach from directly in front or behind.

• Drive between or scatter groups, especially mothers and calves.

• Chase or repeatedly approach individuals.

• Box them in – take care not to trap individuals between your vessel and other vessels or the shore.

• Swim with them or try to touch or feed them.