FIRST MINISTER for Wales Vaughan Gething was spotted outside a popular pub in Llandudno today (May 23) as he attended a conference in the town.

Gething, who replaced Mark Drakeford as First Minister in March, was seen outside The Cottage Loaf – it is not known if he popped in for a pint.

The First Minister was in town to kick off Welsh Labour’s General Election campaign with a speech to the Trade Union Congress.

He said: “Today is a day where we can finally feel the end to fourteen years of this UK Tory Government. An end to fourteen years of decline, fourteen years of neglect.

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“Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak. It is finally time to turn the page on those vandals. We know there is another future we can chart.

“We know the difference that a Labour government makes, and we know that two Labour governments at either end of the M4 can transform Wales and transform Britain.”

Shadow Welsh Secretary, Jo Stevens, said: “Today we begin our campaign to turn the page on 14 years of Conservative chaos and failure.

“Labour has a long term, serious plan to change our country. No more Tory gimmicks. No more sticking plasters. We’ve set out the first steps that two Labour governments will deliver.

“Together, we can stop the chaos, turn the page and rebuild our country. The choice is in your hands. Choose change.”