PROPOSALS to erect new apartments for retired people on the site of a car park in Llandudno have drawn criticism from residents and politicians.

A consultation has begun regarding McCarthy Stone’s plans to build 57 apartments at Maelgwyn Road car park, off Gloddaeth Street, after a similar scheme from the company in 2021 fell through.

Alan and Sue Elliott, who are aged 79 and 76 respectively, live on St Andrew’s Place, and said their property “backs on to the car park itself”.

They both fear that the development will deprive them of their “beautiful view of the Great Orme”, and take away much-needed parking spaces in Llandudno.

“We have a beautiful view of the Great Orme, so if that goes, it’ll be like a prison has been built behind us - we’re not very happy about it,” they said.

“There are only three households, us included, who it really affects at the end of St Andrew’s Place.

“The main uproar will be of all those car parking spaces being lost – during the Victorian Extravaganza (in the May bank holiday weekend), it was absolutely ‘chocker’.

“We bought the house four or five years ago because of the views, which we’re going to totally lose if these apartments are built.

“We don’t want them to build it at all. It’s awareness we would like to raise, to let people know what could happen.

“We’re the nearest house to these (proposed) apartments. Outside is a little walkway, which we hope is also not going to be taken.

“These flats they want to build would be four storeys high, but we’re wondering if they could at least be reduced to two, so it’s not as huge a building.

“Otherwise, it could feel like we’re living in a goldfish bowl.”

Janet Finch-Saunders, MS for Aberconwy, echoed concerns raised about the effect the development could have on availability of parking spaces in Llandudno.

She added: “Llandudno cannot afford to lose any parking spaces.

“Residents and people who travel to Llandudno for weekly shopping or holidays will know well the parking chaos the community encounters.

“As I have said before, I would recommend that McCarthy Stone withdraw.

“To build on one of the town’s principal car parks would be a grave economic error”.

Likewise, Cllr Harry Saville, who represents the Gogarth Mostyn ward (in which this car park is situated) on Conwy County Borough Council, expressed his firm opposition to the plans.

He said: “McCarthy Stone’s plans to build 57 apartments on Maelgwyn Road car park is totally inappropriate. 

“Not only will the planned building overwhelm everything around it, but it’ll result in a net loss of over 150 car parking spaces near the town centre. 

“We all know how difficult parking can be in Llandudno, and these plans will only make things worse for local residents, businesses and visitors.

“What Maelgwyn Road Car Park really needs is a general tidy up and some of the potholes refilling – not redeveloping into an apartment bloc. 

“I’ll be doing everything I can do to oppose this redevelopment.”

McCarthy Stone triggered the applications' 28-day statutory consultation on May 11, and this will conclude on June 8.

Ciaran Aldridge, divisional managing director (North) at McCarthy Stone, said: “There is a real need for specialist retirement accommodation in Llandudno, and this proposal would go some way to addressing that, whilst at the same time releasing existing family homes onto the market and relieving the pressure to build on local greenfield sites.

“Located close to the centre of this popular seaside town, McCarthy Stone residents provide a vital boost to local businesses, typically using local shops and services daily, or often.

“Research shows that residents of a 57-home McCarthy Stone development would collectively spend £439,000 a year on the local high street.

"This spending would support local retail jobs and help to keep businesses open in Llandudno.

“As recognised by the local public service board, there is a real need for specialist retirement accommodation in Llandudno. We look forward to working closely with Conwy County Borough Council to progress these proposals and to address this local need.

“Additionally, our plans for Llandudno provide a valuable opportunity to improve the health and wellbeing of local older people, whist also supporting significant cost savings to the NHS and local social care services.”