THE ANNUAL Bible Week in Llandudno was a resounding success as local churches from different denominations came together to fill a packed Gloddaeth United Church.

Visitors came from as far as Bolton, Brixham and Birmingham to share in stories, songs and prayer.

The week was formally opened by Llandudno Mayor Councillor Greg Robbins, who later shared how challenged he was to see an overflowing church and hear such a powerful Christian message.

Worship was led by musicians from different churches and sessions were led by different local Christian Leaders.

Those who attended were treated to some inspirational, thought-provoking and encouraging teaching laced with humour from visiting speaker Paul Mallard.

Mr Mallard is an internationally known author and speaker whose books reflect a life of faith-supported suffering experienced by his wife, Edrie.

The week also featured a number of local ministries, with Rev. Sam Erlandson sharing his experiences as the Chaplain of St. David’s School and the renewed interest in spiritual matters he was discovering amongst the pupils there.

Other forms of chaplaincy were introduced by Christian firefighter Matt Williams and sports Chaplain Chris Armstrong at Rhyl R.F.C.

Dr Rhiannon Lloyd spoke passionately about her reconciliation ministry in several of the world’s war zones, including Ukraine, and in post-genocide Rwanda.

Roger Boon also shared his encouraging experiences over the last 14 years of getting the Christian message into North Wales newspapers.

There were a range of supporting activities from Kingdom Crafts, Roy Thurley’s Tabernacle, a superb small exhibition of paintings by local Christian artists Ceri Leeder and Tom Shea, and commercial material for school assemblies from former Head of R.E. at Ysgol John Bright, Phil Lord.

The whole event was underpinned by a prayer ministry team led by Roger Boon.

Event co-ordinator, Carol Reynolds, commented: “It was so amazing to see so many people from different places and denominations at such a powerful and joy filled event worshipping and being inspired by the God who loves all of us both within and outside the church.”